Routing Window

The routing window is where you map the outputs from Reason to the input channels of DirectConnect and Pro Tools.

Basic Routing

The numbers 1-16 down the left side of the menus represent the sixteen channels of I/O you can select from within the reFuseMono plug-in.

The 64 channels within the menus represent the 64 Audio Out channels in Reason's "Hardware Interface" rack. By flipping the rack around in Reason (tab), you can send anything you want to those channels.

Along the right side is a three segment audio meter for each channel.

Make sure that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the reFuseMono plug-ins set up in Pro Tools and the output channels you assign here. Much of the time, you may only want one or two active channels. Check that all unused channels are set to "Off" before lauching Reason. Remember that incompleted audio pathways can crash your system (see the note on "suspend routing"). Also, "extra" reFuseMono plug-ins, that are not being fed with a signal from reFuse, will burn extra CPU cycles and cause the display in Pro Tools to slow way down.

Stereo Pairs

For stereo pairs, use a stereo Pro Tools track, but use the "multi-mono" option, not the "multi-channel" option. Then, in the top left corner of the plug-in, UNLINK the Left and Right sides by clicking on the orange "link" icon. You can then switch between the left and right sides with the little popup menu next to the link icon. Choose "MSP I/O 1" for the left side and "MSP I/O 2" for the right side.

We do not recommend the use of the reFuseStereo plug-in, except for the stereo pair of ReWire channels 1 and 2 (which Reason calls Mix L and Mix R).

Saving Presets

At the bottom of the window is a menu of presets. Click the Save Mapping button to add the current routing to the menu of presets. Click the Make Default button to make the current preset the default.

Each routing preset is saved as a file in the folder "maps". If you want to remove a preset from the menu, simply drag the respective preset file from the maps folder to the trash.