Launching the Applications (A Quick Start Guide)

If you haven't done the System Setup yet, go back and do it before continuing here.

The launching order of the applications is critical, and system crashes may occur if they are launched or quit out of order. The correct launching order is:

  1. Pro Tools
  2. reFuse
  3. Reason

When you quit out of the applications, go in reverse order. First quit Reason, and make sure to give it time to unload from memory. (After selecting Quit, wait until the Reason icon disappears from the applications switcher in the top right corner of the desktop.) Then quit reFuse, and finally Pro Tools.

Here we go...

1. You should already have Pro Tools open from the System Setup steps. For your first time, open the template "reFuse mono" from the "Pro Tools Templates" folder. This is a session with only one track. Notice in the inserts bank there is a plug-in called "reFuseMono". This plug-in is how you will receive audio from Reason, and it is now accessible from your inserts pop-up menus.

2. Now launch reFuse. The first time you do this, you will be prompted to enter your name and serial number after a few seconds.

3. Switch back to Pro Tools and open the reFuseMono plug-in. Under the DirectConnect logo, you should now see "MSP I/O 1" selected. If there is a different I/O selected, switch it now to MSP I/O 1.

4. In the main window of reFuse, set Midi Clock Buss to "ProToolsClock" and MMC Buss to "aaaMMC". (These are the OMS IAC busses that we set up earlier.)

5. Now click on the Audio Routing button. This will open the Routing window. Verify that the Mix L channel from Reason is being routed to MSP I/O 1. This basic routing option is always available by selecting "mono" from the menu of presets at the bottom of the Routing window. Close the Routing window.

6. Now select "Reason" from the ReWire Device menu in reFuse. The "active" light should come on, indicating that reFuse has now opened its ReWire connection.

7. Launch Reason. Verify that in the "Audio Out" rack space in Reason the led is on indicating that ReWire is active. Load in a song and press play. If all has gone well, you will see and hear this audio in Pro Tools.

Congratulations! You have now linked Pro Tools and Reason.