FAQ / Troubleshooting

Please also check the Known Issues for further updates.

Q: How much memory should I give to reFuse?

A: You will want to give as much memory to reFuse as you would give to Reason. Some setups within Reason may require a lot of RAM. When using reFuse, Reason is put into what is called "ReWire client mode." In this mode, Reason uses the RAM of the host application. So if you are tight on RAM, you'll want to reduce Reason's memory allocation to a minimum, and increase reFuse's. See page 47 of the Reason Operation Manual for more info.

If you don't know how to change the memory allocation for applications, consult the Mac Help guide found in the Finder's Help menu.

Q: Why is Reason hanging on launch? It just freezes on the splash screen, and I have to force quit.

A: Reason will hang on launch if the audio pathway is not complete. There are a number of scenarios in which this can happen:

Q: Why isn't Reason transport linked with Pro Tools?

A: Make sure Transport Linking is enabled in the Options menu. Then check that the Midi Sync light flashes in reFuse when you press play in Pro Tools. If the light does not flash, check that you have selected the same IAC buss for "MIDI Clock Buss" in reFuse and "MIDI Beat Clock" in Pro Tools.

Q: Now I've got Pro Tools starting Reason, and the Midi Sync light flashes, but Reason's transport is still stuck and won't start Pro Tools.

A: This indicates that the MMC commands are not reaching Pro Tools. Check the Setups/Peripherals/Synchronization window in Pro Tools to make sure MMC control is enabled (as described in System Setup, step 4). Then, under MIDI/Input Devices..., check that "aaaMMC" is enabled.

Of course, in reFuse, you'll want to check that "aaaMMC" is selected in the MMC Buss menu. However, because it is alphabetically first, it should come up that way automatically.

Q: Why isn't Reason starting at the correct point in its sequence?

A: There are a number of reasons this might happen. Are the tempos in Pro Tools and reFuse set to be the same? Does your song actually start at the same point in Pro Tools and Reason? If your sequence in Reason starts right away, but you have several seconds of "lead" time in Pro Tools before your song starts, then the parts will not match up.

An easy way to solve this is to leave an even number of bars of lead time or countoff in Pro Tools, say four measures, before the first downbeat of your song. You can then just shift your whole sequence in Reason ahead four measures as well.

Also, make sure your session start time and frame rate are set correctly, as detailed in the setup instructions, #5.

Q: Why does my MIDI keyboard controller stop working unless Reason is the front-most application.?

A: Launch the OMS Setup application. Open the MIDI/OMS MIDI Setup menu item. Check the box marked "Run MIDI in Background." Click OK and quit OMS Setup.

Q: Can I use reFuse with other ReWire and DirectConnect compatible applications?

A: Yes, reFuse should work with other such applications. However, none besides Reason and Pro Tools are officially supported.

Q: I deleted/edited the file "authprefs" and now reFuse won't work...whoops?

A: Don't delete or edit this file!