New Video Series on Mulligan
Dec 8, 2022
Updated JAN 10, 2023
We are proud to announce the launch of a new video series, Dial In Your Sound with Mulligan. These short segments demonstrate the power (and fun!) of Mulligan in a variety of mixing and sound design settings. Over the next month we will be releasing a new video in the series weekly.
First up is Get Surgical (or Silly!) With Your Reverb and EQ in Pro Tools with Mulligan. This video takes you through some of the important parts of the tricky task of mixing a retro-modern police-stakeout movie theme. Mulligan gives you the bridge to make it easy to use knobs and sliders for mixing your track in Pro Tools.
As Avid’s own website admits, “Mixing can be tedious with a keyboard and mouse alone.” In What is reFuse Mulligan? (Hint: It’s a Cheat Code for Pro Tools!), we show you what makes Mulligan easy to use and practical for any Pro Tools setup. There’s a million MIDI controllers out there, and Mulligan makes it easy to map the MIDI to all your effects, plugins, and channel strips in Pro Tools.
String swells and tape warble are on tap for Use reFuse Mulligan For Hands-On Mixing. See how to bring a human touch to sound design, as we dial in the emotion for a movie trailer and quickly deliver real impact.
Lastly, in Make Complex Effects Simple and Control Sends with Mulligan, we explore how to take a complicated effect with too many parameters, and create a permanent mapping to your MIDI Controller, using just the parts you need. We also touch on the power of using multiple simultaneous controllers with Mulligan, a feature added in Mulligan version 1.4.