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Massive Mulligan Update!

May 9, 2022

Mulligan version 1.3 is out now, with over a dozen new MIDI-mappable commands and lots of usability improvements.

Introducing… Track Controls!

You can now map controls for the currently selected track, like fader level, pans, and send levels. This builds on the eight knobs of plugin control to make Mulligan the premiere solution for a single-track focused controller in Pro Tools.

Mulligan's mappable commands for Current Track control

New Knob Navigation Commands

New commands have been added for knob control of Increment Page and Increment Track functions. These allow a single knob to replace a pair of up/down buttons, when navigating plugin parameter pages or tracks in your session. Users of the knob-heavy MIDI Fighter Twister rejoice!

New Usability Features

To aid users with setup and troubleshooting, we have expanded the in-app MIDI input monitor to provide a more comprehensive view of the data incoming from your MIDI controller. The hints and help text shown in the Info Pane at the top of the window have also been expanded.

Now with Importability!

Mulligan now supports importing Mulligan controller maps from other users, or from one of the included Starter Packs for selected MIDI controllers (more about those in a later email). The maps are saved as XML files, in an open and human-readable format, to encourage sharing and collaboration on layouts between users.


Wondering what you need to get started with Mulligan? We have some suggestions for MIDI controllers here, but anything with eight knobs will work.

Demo Mulligan today and discover what tactile and intuitive plugin control can do for your workflow.

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