Menubar Items

File Menu

The File menu features three commands:

Open session...

This allows you to load in saved reFuse sessions. They must be opened from this menu — double-clicking their icons will not work.

Save session...

Here's where you can save your reFuse sessions. Information saved in a session file includes:

Session files can be stored anywhere.

Force Sample Rate Change

You must select this command if you change the sample rate of your Pro Tools session, or load up a new session with a different sample rate. This command can also be accessed with the keyboard shortcut Apple-F, or by simply clicking on the Sample Rate readout itself.

Edit Menu

We bring up the Edit menu only because you may stumble across it, and there is a very important setting here: the Overdrive setting. This should stay on, always. It affects reFuse's ability to not get bogged down by mouse clicks and screen redraws. So just do yourself a favor and leave it on.